I've been working on a shawl for myself. I recently inherited 5 skeins of thin (maybe fingering weight, I don't know yet?) black cotton from the WWKIP Chicago yarn swap. Angela called me and asked if I wanted it, so I took it. I was thinking about what I should do with it, when I received my first SOYL swap package and amongst the vast amount of yarn were 3(!) skeins of Provence by Classic Elite. I decided to make Ella by Wendy Wonnacott, however I was just shy (maybe 20 yards) of the yardage with the Provence, I thought I should hold it together with that black cotton I didn't know what to do with.
Making the border with only the black then grabbing the Provence for the body of the pattern. I've been working on it and am pretty happy with the results, I just need to loosen up on the border. I have a tightness issue in that I knit too tight. I call myself "Tight Ass" maybe I should revise that to "Tight-Ass Thomas J"?

I've been working diligently to follow the pattern. Honestly it's the most complicated pattern I've worked on since starting knitting, but I know how to do all the stitches and I'm just working my way through it and hoping it'll come out right. I was working on it while at my parents this past week and my mom said it looked like the picture, so I'm hopeful.
1 comment:
The colors look so good together and I just know that the bugs in the pattern will work themselves out and your FO will be lovely. Your Secret Spoiler
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