Sunday, June 15, 2008


I've been bad lately. I haven't felt like writing in this blog...or the other blog I should update. After finishing the quarter and submitting grades on Wednesday I have really done nothing but knit. Knit Knit Knit.

I finished a market bag I was working on for my sister; I started, modified and finished a drawstring bag; I started and finished two head bands. Wow that's a lot in 4 days! I also decided that I'm going to start to sell my stuff on, after discussing this with a friend on Friday. I've been working on designing my own bag pattern, based on the various bags that I have made. I also bought a whole bunch of alpaca and cotton for the bags...Thank you Little Knits for having such great sales!

I also started to learn to spin with a drop spindle! It was a catastrophe!!! I ended up being allergic to the lanolin that was on the wool :( I came home with red, itchy hands! So luckily Katy also gave us some processed roving that I can use so that it doesn't continue. One of my friends (flourish on ravelry) post in a thread about me being like Thomas J from My Girl...allergic to everything. I am! It's frustrating and actually keeps getting worse as I get older! So now I'm allergic to lanolin, melons, avocados, outside: trees, grasses, flowers, pollen, etc. Not to mention dust. Okay, I'm done with my's a part of life and I should be used to it after 30 years of dealing with it.

Well, for not wanting to write anything I sure rambled a lot...

Here's Smokey...she is sooo adorable!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Summer Project

This whole personal blogging thing is new to me, so I'm sitting here working on one of my WIP a market bag while I'm trying to come up with ideas. This leads into the fact that it's a knitting blog and I should figure out what I'd like to work on next. I want to knit a shawl or something like it. It's summer and everywhere blasts their A/C indoors and I hate it. I'm not a big fan of A/C (unless it's after a long day of working outside) and prefer to keep my place cool with fans. Honestly, it's all you really need if it's close enough to encourage perspiration to evaporate. Let me get back on topic...

Shawl. Light weight, long enough to cover my arms and sometimes my hands. Something that's durable and not going to be problematic if I accidentally leave it out and the cats (with all claws) happen to make it theirs or if it gets mixed into the laundry.

So there it is! I've got my next project, now I'm going to spend all night looking on Ravelry for patterns...