Sunday, July 20, 2008


I don't really have a title for this weeks blog. I'm writing under protest, maybe that's strong vocabulary but I don't really feel like doing it. I have to for the SOYL swap so I'm going to do it anyway. So here goes...I guess part of my protest about writing is that I'm exhausted.

I've been going all week long and it's not going to stop for a couple weeks, maybe even a month of this non-stop going. I started my week out at Great America with flourish. I chickened out on all the rides and we basically spent the day going around the lazy river and wave pool. Still the sun was draining!

The summer quarter started on Tuesday and I have a pretty rigorous schedule this quarter. I'm teaching 3 classed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The first class is a new class so it's a little more prep time, but I also modify my classes each quarter a little anyway.

I spent all day Wednesday working on drawings for a new project I have, finally finished around 11pm. Thursday I was at school all day again. Friday, I had a meeting with a 'green' investment adviser, just some networking (which I'm so bad at!) Then I went to pick up the recycling from the Lakeview Chamber of Commerce (I've been working with them to help them make their practices more environmentally aware). Then d helped me rearrange my bedroom and put some stuff away along with vacuuming my living room! I love love love him!!

Saturday I spent the day alternately knitting and cleaning, which is why I'm just taking a brief break to write in between cleaning, which I'm going to go back to right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Jody, I hope your package arrived and brings you some relief from the busyness of your week. I know you received it. Your secret spoiler.